Cost and price pressures in construction continue to rise

The Government Quarterly Construction Price and Cost Indices Commentary for 2Q 2014 reveals that…

Cost and price pressures in construction have continued to rise during the 2nd Quarter 2014. There is an upward trend evident across all new work sectors when compared with both the previous quarter and year-on-year. The repair and maintenance sector also appears to be maintaining previous increases generally, although there has been a slowdown in impetus within Private Housing Repair and Maintenance sector.

BIS New Construction Output Price Indices 2Q 2014

The BIS Output Price Index for New Construction (2010): All New Construction for 2nd Quarter 2014 increased by 1.5% on the previous quarter and by 5.9% year-on-year.

Table 1: BIS New Construction Output Price Indices 2Q 2014 (% change)

All sectors continue to show strong year on year growth with Private Commercial leading the way as it continues to build on previous rises with a 2.5% increase in 2nd Quarter 2014 on the previous quarter and 9.0 year-on- year.

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